Twilert is a simple online service that will monitor what people are saying about your brand on Twitter. In this post, I explain what I like about it, and give an example of how you might use it Read More
A webmaster tutorial video that covers how sites are displayed in Google search results. This video is direct from Google Read More
Buying Internet leads to support your sales team is a great marketing short-cut. You get experts to do the hard work of generating Web traffic, creating compelling offers, and optimizing lead conversion. Typically that all works together to give you reasonable results–more sales and less marketing overhead.

Before you declare success, I want to suggest another step in the lead buying process. A practice that you might even want to make sure you do before you buy anymore Internet leads Read More
ay, the whole directory value question may need some ’splaining…but here’s our take on the “value” of a link from a canuck directory site to your own site…least in our experience, eh!

Based on our own true belief that the “formula” that drives an SEO Campaign to the top of the rankings….is based on the fact that you need links, or rather “back links” from other sites to combine with your own superb content, to rank nice and high on a search engine. Simple and easy to understand and neither simple nor easy to accomplish. Hence the variety of serps that the world sees for their websites. Read More
I’ve had several clients recently ask me the same question: “Where’s the lead market headed next?”

Well, I’m no soothsayer or seer, but I think these kind of trends are pretty easy to breakdown into reasonable predictions. So, better than giving you a one line prediction. I’ll give you a freebie and walk you through some of my analysis Read More
Great news, your boss has selected you to create and manage the company’s new social media initiatives. Now like many marketers currently experiencing a similar situation, you probably immediately thought “why me?” and then quickly thereafter “how do I get started?” First off, it is important to note that social media is not synonymous with Twitter or Facebook. According to Duct Tape Marketing, social media is the use of technology combined with social interaction to create or co-create value. Second, similar to any other marketing campaign, you must start by defining your target audience and then setting specific objectives that can be measured. Read More
Friday I wrote a post about how frustrating it can be to find time for blogging (or social media in general) when other time pressures seem overwhelming. I'm thrilled at the great responses I got, and I'd like to share a few of my favorite tips that I received from readers Read More
I'm often asked the following questions by clients and readers:

"How can I set myself apart from my competitiors?"

"How can I define myself in the market?"

"How can I reach out and bring in customers?"

My simple answer to all of these, and similar questions, is Relationship Building.

We aren't talking 'customer service' here, customer service is how average businesses deal with customers....we are talking about creating an environment where your customer sees you as their friend. Where you build a level of trust, credibility and respect, and your business becomes part of their worldview.

This is Relationship Building, and this is how exceptional businesses communicate with customers Read More
The expanding field of neuroscience is opening up new insights into how the mind influences preferences and buying behavior. People do not act rationally...we are emotional creatures and what we say is often not reflected in how we act. This post discusses three aspects of how neuroscience impacts marketing. Please come visit for additional articles and thoughts. 100% ad free. Hoping you will visit and subscribe. Thanks a ton. Rick S. Pulit Read More
Do you want to know a great way to market to a broader audience? Hold a webinar. Here are some ideas that you can use for your webinars and ways to promote your webinar Read More

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