Selling is not trapping a prospect in a room or on the phone and subjecting them to our “pitch”, selling is maybe 80% listening 10% asking followup questions and 10% wondering if you have asked all the pertinent questions Read More
Social Media Guides…there are plenty of them on web, but there are few worth to be followed. When we buzz around the social web, we all want to and need to keep ourselves updated. Find Best Social Media Guide you can follow to stay up to date Read More
Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is one way that you can help grow your sales and potentially keep your competition a bay. Here is are some benefits for looking at incorporating VMI Read More
Every sale you make is worth more than the cost of the products or services charged in that one transaction. The question is, from now until death, how many customers come back for repeat orders, how often, how much do they spend, how how does that affect your PPC campaign Read More
Buying is becoming more of a team sport as more decisions are being made by two, three or more people. Sales people need to increase their team coverage and sell everyone, Zone-to-Zone Read More
Every prospect has a unique story. Their needs might sound similar on the surface, but when you dig deeper, you’ll gain inside information and improve your chances of winning the deal!

Let’s put your ability to uncover opportunities to the test.. Read More
From time to time, everyone is late for an appointment. But being habitually late for appointments is a serious problem and one that present your dream clients with an impression of you that will cost you and your company business Read More
Find out how successful claimants from employment tribunals can get paid faster. The fast track system should speed up the time it takes for claimants to receive their payout. Read More
As a Sales Manger you know that providing the right sales training to your field sales and sales support staff is important. Well trained staff are better able to prevent complaints, and if a complaint does arise are able deal with the majority to the customers satisfaction without the need for management intervention. However, there are occasions when it is better that you, as the manager, intervene. This article describes six complaint scenarios which demand the intervention of the sales manager. Read More
Want to build a business website but don't have the time? Discover how Sitesell services build you a turnkey website that works for your internet business. Read More

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