Venture capital — capital investments made by either private investors or investment firms — focus on giving new businesses the money they need to grow rapidly. Of course, venture capitalists expect a profit from their investments; they look carefully for companies with a potential for major growth so that they can realize a profit during an IPO or sale of the company. Most venture capital investments are made in exchange for shares in the company. Venture capital can be an option for certain small businesses, although not all companies are a good fit Read More
Many of the reasons that deals and opportunities are lost are due to some seemingly small mistakes. But small mistakes made as the result of ignoring the fundamental principles of selling effectively produce disastrous losses later. Losses that might have easily been prevented Read More
Your online marketing strategies have been wildly successful, right?. You don't even have to go the the rest of this post, because... Read More
This will probably come as no surprise, but, women’s brains are different than men's brains. These differences can have a big impact on a business. What strengths do men bring to a business? What strengths do women bring to a business Read More
Harnessing the power of the sun is shall I say, hot. Heck, even some smart folks in franchising are embracing it, and turning... Read More
Maybe if you just hired a top notch copywriter, all your problems would be solved. Or maybe not... Talk to some copywriters and you'll find them ranting Read More
It can be hard to show clients value from your SEO campaigns because like in any service-based industry, it is not a tangible product. So over the years of working with clients and managing their search engine optimization strategies, I have come up with some ways to help show value and make SEO feel tangible to the client Read More
John Jantsch speaks of people not talking about boring companies. The marketing message and the way it is conveyed is vital for business owners to get right. Are you boring Read More is the official web site for the White House and President Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. This site is a source for information about the President, White House news and policies, White House history, and the federal government Read More
Small businesses are finding it more difficult to obtain financing and are the ones most adversely affected by the lending crunch because they are unable to obtain intermediate business lines of credit. Although the Fed has made concessions which include short term loans in the amount of $100 billion, small business owners have yet to benefit. Read More

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