While written sales material is necessary and customary, it does nothing to create value for you or for your dream clients. Most of it goes unread, or is simply discarded. Your limited time is better spent developing the skills to cold call and generate interest than by sending material Read More
Generally you have less than 30 seconds to tell a new acquaintance what it is you do? Who your business serves and why they should care. Do you have your sound byte ready? You must be pity, on point, compelling and directed, otherwise you'll lose your audience and lose an opportunity to spread the message of your business Read More
OneSource deliver a tool that elevates prospecting to new levels. iSell provides Triggers, content and the means to manage and turn them into real value by allowing to spend time executing and leveraging ahead of the alternative in the market Read More
All too often I find business owners are eager to step over dollars to pick up pennies! If you value your business then Value your Business Read More
This book is targeted at a fairly wide range of folks, but for the most part I would say the “business motivation” category. Read More
This is practical advice on how to properly staff the accounting department of a company from start-up to medium-sized. The three tiers explained will help prioritize the functions and get the right people in the right roles Read More
The following ten tips will help you make the best dropshipping decisions for your business. Learn how dropshipping works and how you could benefit from it Read More
We are often approached by business owners at a crossroads of taking the company to the next level. The decision in most cases is whether they should bring on the one or two hot shot sales people or channel development people necessary to bring the company sales to a level that will allow the company to reach critical mass. For a smaller company with sales below $5 million this can be a critical decision. Read More
So let’s say that, after analyzing the market, you come to the conclusion that your idea will sell like hotcakes. But perhaps one factor that is standing in your way is high start-up costs. Read More
Have you thought of starting an Internet business, but just aren’t sure if it is for you. Starting an internet business is actually quite easy. Read More

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