...you probably think entrepreneur, business-owner, and self-employed are all interchangeable terms. And that’s how they’re often used, so it makes sense that people would think that. But in the minds of many business owners, there is a big difference between being “self-employed” and being an entrepreneur. Read More
While highly effective at spurring greater productivity, employee opinion surveys can be cost-prohibitive for some companies. A less expensive but still impactful approach to assess the workplace culture, as used by a successful Texas-based technology company, is described in this post Read More
Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day During an unstable economy, many people are looking for ways to ensure that they not only maintain their lifestyles, Read More
Economic and management theory teaches us to examine options with relative scientific objectivity to determine the most efficient and profitable processes to increase revenue. Simply put, we look for the quickest and most effective way to make a profit. Read More
During an economic downturn most business go through the usual motions of cost cutting and layoffs, and while that may help solve the immediate problem of too much expenditures. Read More
The success of your business is largely dependent on your Sales Team‚ the lifeblood of any organization. In an increasingly competitive environment, sales teams need to skillfully manage a range of competencies and toolsets. Read More
Whether you're a fine artist, a chef, web designer, a jeweler, a musician or a business owner, Portland, Maine can be a place for you to thrive Read More
Intellectual property, or IP, can be your most valuable business asset, even though you can’t see, smell, or touch it. Trademarks are a type of IP that protects your logo, brand, name, or other mark—but only if you follow the rules necessary to obtain legal protection. Before you invest in a website, brochures or marketing, or take other actions that will use a mark to brand you, here are key things you need to know Read More
Inbound marketing is a hot new industry buzzword gaining traction by thousands of businesses. But is it really all that new Read More
Twitter is not a place to broadcast information about your company or sell to customers. It is a place to build and maintain relationships. Twitter is great because messages are short and are able to reach people wherever they are. This allows for quick turnaround time if you ask a question or are looking for any type of response Read More

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