It is not about the size of the business, rather it is about the efficiency with which you manage your business that counts in the end. Read More
If you're a small company without a lot of resources or time to dedicate to your software environment, you're probably missing out on a lot of technology that could help you grow your business. Read this post to find out how you can get some of your wishes granted. Read More
Great article on how businesses think that they should rely on only SEO for marketing. Stuart Crawford talks to the balance between online and offline as a means of driving your sales Read More
Just like buying a used car, there are several things you need to be aware of when selecting a website designer. Here are 3 things you can learn to help avoid using a clunker of a web designe Read More
Many sales managers try to badger their salespeople into performing by demanding that they achieve specific outcomes. Instead, they should create and manage a good sales process Read More
Today more than ever, companies are seeking to ensure that they will realize a valuable return on investment from their CRM system. To best achieve this, companies must first have a clear understanding of what information they want to gather and how the CRM system will be used to capture and analyze data to make further improvements in customer service. Read More
Typically, as a Small Business owner or manager, you don’t normally associate purchasing software to reduce costs. However, CRM software specifically has some cost reduction advantages that are discussed below Read More
#1 Keep giving and contributing more than the competition. Pay back will be huge.
#2 Every tweet, blog entry, comment and status update will be saved forever and is permanently part of your brand.
#3 Before permission to market comes permission to connect. There’s a lot of trust building in between.
#4 Make it easy for people to find you. While you’re out looking for business there is an entire market looking for you.
#5 “It’s not about B2B or B2C it’s about person to person marketing in social media” – @jeffbooth.
#6...... Read More
Earlier this year, we ran the Sugartone Sweet Blogging Contest across the two platforms which was a great success…..Now many of our Bloggertones are sucessfully using Bizsugar to promote their own content & to network online Read More
Professional athletes tweeting from the locker rooms and bench (see Charlie Villanueva) has also been a hot topic as it relates to the players being focused on the game at hand. In fact, tweeting has been restricted or banned during games by the NFL, NBA, and NHL Read More

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