Marketing and sales activities are critical to the success of your business. When is the right time to start these processes for a new start-up Read More
Here’s a stat for you: YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Web with more than 2 billion views a day. That’s right, two billion. And contrary to popular belief, it’s not all just silly cat videos and adolescents injuring themselves. Your customers turn to YouTube’s search bar every day to look for how-to’s, product reviews, and other information about the companies and brands that interest them. And even when they don’t turn to YouTube, Google is using Universal Search elements to put the videos in traditional search. Video is everywhere and it’s what people want.

As a small business owner, you want to find ways to take advantage of that. And there are plenty of them. Here are six ways small business owners can use video to attract customers, increase their rankings, and differentiate their brand from all the others competing for the same eyes Read More
Facebook is popular, no doubt about that. The question on the minds of entrepreneurs is if there’s any benefit for them to jump in and actually use Faceboo Read More
Most of them tell me they just knew their latest, greatest idea was going to be a success and unfortunately they were wrong. So I ask them first if they used any type of business planning software and immediately they respond, I wish I had. So I begin asking some questions as to why they feel their idea didn't work Read More
It is really incredible to me that many small business owners (either online as well as off) lack a marketing method. They have several things, hopes, ambition, a enthusiasm to work hard. However they lack a marketing plan. Incredible! You wouldn’t build a home not having some plans. You wouldn’t even build a dog house with out a plan Read More
Small business grant is real program and way which can give you help and money. Are you going to set up in? Small business is your dream? Know more about this kind of program and get more about it! You will be able to get more tips how to get this grant and of course you will be able to deal with the best ins. Working with small business grant program try to be polite and just follow rules and tips. To get more chances to get small business grant for your business – click below or go on reading Read More
Running a fashion show as a small retail clothing shop can bring you big benefits. If you take time to video record the show, you can use it in post-event promotions Read More
Because Facebook privacy is such a hot topic lately, I thought I might write something so you know where you can check your privacy settings, or at least get a Read More
Getting Your Team in the Zone by Glenn Pasch- I was watching one of the press conferences at the Masters and they asked the Round 2 leader Lee Westwood “was he worried that Phil Mickelson had caught up to him?” He answered (paraphrase) he could only worry about the shots he hit. Read More
I spend time and energy traveling to conferences to learn from experienced peers and educating others on some of the fundamentals of online marketing and social media. So I am easily annoyed when I come across so-called experts online who are creating gimmicks and factoids, then using these to sell themselves as knowledgeable marketers. These “experts” have great selling skills, but have very little real marketing knowledge Read More

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