It works like this: The Receivables Exchange (TRE) is an online marketplace that auctions invoices to institutional investors, who buy them at a slight discount, providing the seller with an immediate source of cash. On average, companies receive funding the day after auctions close. As the companies collect the receivables, they pass them directly to the winning bidder, and that settles up the debt.

TRE describes itself as an eBay for invoices and the cost structure isn’t far off. Most of the site’s 1,000 sellers get between 98 and 99 cents on the dollar, and pay a per-auction fee of 30 to 70 basis points (0.3-0.7%), depending on volume and their TRE track record. Reini says he now simply figures his TRE cost into the price he charges for each new project he takes on. The result: more control over cash flow and more growth Read More
Five Critical Ingredients of Successful Business Plan.
There is a proven method to help ensure your company’s success. Organizations fail to accomplish their goals for one simple reason: The management story being told is incomplete, inaccurate, and incompatible Read More
Selling should not be painful, either for the buyer or the seller, yet many in sales still like to find "the pain" when working with prospect. This is a dangerous approach especially in rising economies when people will spend on opportunities that are not rooted in pain Read More
Updating your website regularly gives customers and search engines a reason to keep visiting your website. What many small business owners don't understand however, is that not all content is good content. Here are 4 ways your content could be killing your website Read More
When you hear or think about lead buying your mind often drifts to marketing. But really the advantage of buying leads is that the marketing is already done for you. Sure there are some differences based on lead generation methods, but really the secret to successfully buying and converting leads come down to your sales process.

Lead management is the secret to making that sales process disciplined and consistent Read More
Google TV, the new Android based OS for the big-screen, will power Logitech's new set-top box, the still not-properly-named Google TV companion box. The Read More
Founder and owner of, Thomas Retterbush, is a recovering drug addict and diagnosed with clinical depression. He has dedicated his life to providing hope to those who have fallen. He believes if he can build, launch and operate a Supersite like his, anything is possible by anybody. Read More
On top of that InSites Consulting has released a study on the result of a market research in January 2010. In an online survey of 2,884 consumers spread over 14 countries between the age of 18 to 55 years old, they found 13 mind-blowing facts on social media in 2010. Read More
I know they have made a mark in business news aggregation, but I just realised how powerful they are for small business. recommends BizSugar Read More
This podcast from Barry J. Moltz looks at the trend toward remote work or working from home (or just about anywhere else you can think of but the office) and the money it can save for both businesses and their employees. Not to make things appear too rosy, there are, of course, some negative aspects when it comes to life/work balance. (You can reach a point where you're sort of always working.) But there are positives too. Listen to conversations with Margo Day, Vice President of Small and Midmarket Solutions at Microsoft; Chuck Wilsker, CEO of The Telework Coalition and Alexandra Levit, author and columnist for the Wall Street Journal and decide whether a remote work arrangement might be right for your business.
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