If you only call a prospect one, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to make a sale. The odds of someone buying off of you after one call is rare, but if you don’t continually call, you will miss out on an 85% or greater chance of getting a sale Read More
Most business owners developed a fairly sound strategic plan before opening their businesses. This plan analyzed who their prospective customer base was. Most likely it is broken down into fairly specific demographics, i.e. "College educated, women, between the ages of 25-43, living in a suburban environment". After pinpointing their 'ideal client', the rest of their marketing and business plan developed to best serve that customer Read More
Information about what to do when it all goes wrong, like in the case of a volcanic ash cloud resulting in grounded aircraft. Learn what to do when there is a crisis situation affecting businesses and individuals. Read More
Learn how to deal with pressure. Find out the best way to deal with physical and mental problems by handling you mind, physical body and responses. Discover how thinking it through and using your intelligence can be your strongest asset. Read More
Images, graphics, video and pictures - so our marketers and designers tell us - are what create the biggest and most lasting impression on customers. However, when we talk about developing an international online presence, we mostly think about translating or developing text content Read More
In today’s competitive world, having a business or personal website is not enough. To make most out of it and in order to get more visitors, expand your customer base – both online and offline, you have to push your website effectively. Read More
Small business is presented with many challenges on the road to success. The market is unforgiving and ruthless, yet presents great opportunity. Understand your challenges Read More
If you're using the SharePoint web content management system, make sure your pages are optimized for search engine rankings. This post discusses 9 easy things you can do to help your SEO and recommends 6 things to avoid. Read More
Ever since the movie blockbuster Avatar hit the theatres back in December last year, it seems like 3D is now being applied to almost everywhere else; especially on print media such as magazines. In the age of Internet, moreover with the rapid popularity of social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, magazines are having a hard time to sustain their readership and purchase levels. Read More
Classic cars have created raving fans that are loyal and extremely profitable. Your marketing strategy can create the same type of loyalty and become a classic if you think in terms of services that are sustainable, ignite emotion, and deliver a perceived long-term value Read More

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