Now that you have successfully sold your investor on your business idea, what are legal steps you need to take to solidify your investor relationship? Do you need to sign agreements? Are there special laws and regulations you need to comply with? To avoid major disagreements and messy lawsuits, take the time to correctly set the ground rules with your investor. Follow these tips below to successfully establish your investor relationship Read More
Blogging. Twitter. LinkedIn. YouTube. Facebook. Are you doing all of these? Some of these? Wondering how to pull it all together into a cohesive package and customer experience? You’re not alone. Here's how you can connect all your social media dots and portray a consistent brand across the Web.
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Keeping track of your company's online image can be tedious and intimidating. Google Alerts can automatically send you a daily email summarizing what people are saying about you online. You can also monitor your competitors Read More
There have been CRM failures for more than one reason. The better prepared you are, the less likely you will have to deal with it. Here are some questions and points that should be addressed prior to making the leap: Read More
Blogging can be a great way to leverage social media to position yourself as an expert–the “go-to” resource whenever someone has a problem you can solve, but to blog effectively you should follow the best practices of business blogging Read More
Does blogging really drive traffic to your website? Considering the amount of time it takes to create and maintain a successful blog, is it really worth it? Are there shortcuts a small business owner can take? These and other questions are answered in this article Read More
As much as Facebook may not be kind to businesses, it's still a tremendously valuable business tool. After all, Facebook could eat the web. Read More
What can we learn from Fight Club when it comes to dealing with today's economic climate? Just this: it's time to hit the reset button in our lives and move on Read More
A unique interview with Melissa Pierce founder of Life In Perpetual Beta: A Documentary Fil Read More
Be the subject matter expert by answering the questions of prospective customers on Q&A sites. Like many other SEO tactics, your main commitment for this activity is time. As you get used to the process you'll learn where and when to focus your efforts to maximize the return Read More

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