Will Obama's small business plan work to create jobs and expand the economy? The President  has several job creating proposals, many target small business, Read More
Your business is going strong, and now you’re ready to expand a little bit, which includes adding another PC or laptop. Just as when buying a car you need to consider insurance, mileage, and maintenance in the price, it’s important to look at additional software costs when choosing a new computer. Whether popular software programs are “included” on your new system or you purchase them separatel Read More
It might have happened yesterday or ten years ago, but at some point, you felt it. As an entrepreneur you have – perhaps many times – felt that spark of inspiration and the rush that goes with it. That feeling that tells you in your gut that you’re onto something, and nothing’s going to stop you. Read More
Today we will talk with Tim Berry, a business planning expert and find out just how important it is to have a plan for your business. Part 3 of a four part series. Read More
In a do-it-yourself integrated marketing communications and PR strategy, mistakes are likely to happen. Every mistake you can avoid will help your business stay on course. That’s especially true with media relations. If you sell your business the correct way, you will gain valuable media attention and the publicity results you deserve. Read More
Branding is about being specific. A strong brand identity will set your business or product apart from its competitors in consumers’ minds. Experts recommend that the following principle be implemented throughout your strategic brand-building efforts: no business can be all things to all people. Follow these three steps to boost your brand strategy... Read More
Construction estimating when it's done consistently will make money project after project.

While it may seem simple and fast to eye-ball a project and give a bid based on approximate numbers, you'll find that's a losing propositioin. It's a loser because you'll lose your shirt on a regular basis and won't be in business very long.
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It seems that every website has a list of Frequently Asked Questions. But FAQs may actually be driving customers and clients away. If your most important people keep asking the same questions there are better, more profitable ways to answer them. After researching dozens of websites it's as if alien invaders have taken over. Here's how to fix your customer interactions. Read More
71% of all searches are on Google. What are you doing to get found on Google? Part 1 of 4 parts on how to get listed on Google - Submitting your site. Read More
Hosting your own fashion show as a small retail clothing boutique can separate you from competitors. Event planning is critical to your success. Read More

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