Is the use of independent contractors being targeted by the IRS to find companies avoiding payroll taxes? Read More
Want to succeed with your key accounts? Dave Kahle suggests "thinking about it before you do it" among other important tips in his sales best practices series. Read More
Cutting cost is some time unavoidable and becoming usual in current economic conditions. Here is a rational, computer-assisted strategy to select best cost reduction alternatives under multiple conflicting criteria. Read More
Some online meetings seem to drag on forever. You can’t even start edging for the door to get the point across to a particularly long-winded speaker, since he’s not going to be able see that subtle gesture. What can you do to keep a meeting moving along when you may not even be in the same country as everyone you’re talking to? Read More
Are you afraid of hearing No? If you're in sales, you need to learn to love it! Start by getting the proper mindset: remember that No just means Not now. Read More
Back in high school I had a great English teacher (I may not have left him with that impression at the time) that was very into science fiction. He made us read Robert A. Heinlein and all 1200 pages of Atlas Shrugged, but I also discovered Douglas Adams and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (A series of books now known as a “trilogy in five parts.” If fact, if you’re feeling particularly smug Read More
As a result of this our profile pages were suffering from a much higher bounce rate than our search results pages. For specific clinic types it was as much as 20% in the difference, and it averaged 10%. Read More
The President has championed opening doors for small businesses, with job creation being the highest priority. For many owners, access to capital Read More
Understanding social media's limitations is perhaps more important than knowing its capabilities. Here are the situations in which social media reliance will fail you. Read More
This blog post will teach you how to create a small thumbnail image of your white paper front cover. Once created you can use this file for a variety of online marketing purposes. Read More

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