We had an interesting discussion here the other day about which subset of products normally covered in PC Magazine should be considered appropriate for use by small businesses. This is one of those questions that can have no certain answer, but talking about it makes you realize just how diverse the needs of a small
business are, and how big the demand on you is for business and technical skills Read More
Intenet Marketing is totally a stranger 8 years ago. But now, it has become the growing phenomenon for businesses out there. Read More
If you are working with a global business, you need to get translators and interpreters especially when you are dealing with countries who have different language and culture. The translators and interpreters can enhance your communication by conveying accurate information in different countries across the world. Read More
This is the most common mistake in social networking that almost 99% of all members of social networkers make daily. Never ever mention your product in your first email or comment. Read More
According to the study released today by Milward Brown - Nokia was listed the Most Trusted Brand in 8 out of 22 listed countries: Italy, Russia, China, Taiwan, Poland, Hungary,Thailand and Sweden. The research company used metrics...http://digitallunch.blogspot.com/2010/02/what-are-worlds-most-trusted-brands-in.html Read More
We have started a new hash-tag for a weekly twitter chat on wine. Our first features Chef Frank Managa of Picazo 7Seventeen. Read More
Being an entrepreneur can be quite stressful at times, especially when you are starting out. Your resources are limited and you find yourself being a jack of all trades, but master of none. That’s just one trait of being an entrepreneur. When I first started my entrepreneurial career, I was riding off of my corporate experience and mistakes I’d made with other small side projects. Read More
There is a long standing mindset to say you work for someone rather than working with them. Abandoning this mindset in any organization will produce greater efficiencies and improve overall competitive advantage. Read More
There are plenty of small business owners that believe they should be doing social media as a form of marketing and customer interaction. But as The Wall Street Journal points out in their latest social media for small business story, there’s growing concern of the return on investment for many of these entrepreneurs. Read More
Many small businesses think that they can just manage their Adwords campaigns on their own. Here are some reasons it's a good idea to hire someone to do it. Read More

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