Is your business too small to take credit card transactions? Are you getting caught out with cheques bouncing? Well with the introduction of the Square, that may no longer be an issue. Read More
Who manages you? You may have a boss, who manages some percentage of your tasks at work. But who manages the entirety of your life? No one, if you don’t. Are you willing to supervise yourself, to manage yourself? Are you willing to allow yourself to be so managed?
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Most definitely, retail clerks have their place in the retail industry, and if you're a retail clerk, please don't be offended by this post. Retail clerks work very hard at what they do. Different skills are required for a shopper interested in a $3.49 bottle of shampoo than a shopper interested in a $34,900 car (having said that, if all sellers of shampoo were properly trained on how to sell, th Read More
If you want some good examples of how to optimise your company’s revenue, you only have to look as far as mobile phone operators and low cost airlines. I Read More
Are your sales calls forgettable, or do your customers really, really like you? If you'll learn this sales lesson from American Idol, you can be memorable. Read More
There are a relatively consistent set of actions that leaders follow when transitioning into new roles and while they might not all be used in every situation, they can help us with a template for taking on a new role. Read More
For many entrepreneurs, putting marketing materials together can be the most challenging aspect of their business Read More
Gaining input from members of your network online and offline can open up solutions to problems or highlight opportunities that you may not have thought of. This can be on a regular basis, a brainstorming session or for a specific project. Read More
If you want to do a more customer-specific direct marketing campaign, you can create different postcards targeted at past, existing, and prospective customers. Postcards that are specifically-designed for different customer types help increase response rates. Read on to learn how you can advertise to different customers with these business postcard ideas: Read More
Today we are going to continue our discussion with an IT service provider who created a business plan, learn how he did it and find out how his business plan helped his business become more successful. Part 2 of a four part series. Read More

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