The wagon wheel of social media is ever increasing and moving at a jet speed influencing our lives and behavior and opinions! Read More
Real estate agents and many investors make real estate investing sound too complicated. Real estate transactions fall into basically five categories. Read More
Negotiation is not a business tactic that everyone is going to be comfortable with. Reasons vary: It can be intimidating to tell a client or a vendor something that he doesn't want to hear. It can be a matter of cultural comfort zones — while some cultures encourage negotiations, others view the negotiation process as not much better than an argument. To be a successful business owner, however, i Read More
The Revolution has begun. Cloud Computing is set to take the SME market by storm in 2010. With 4 firms a day going out of business, businesses are realizing that in order to stay afloat and remain competitive they need to adapt and cut costs. Read More
Want to see how you can reduce the price of your product or service and get paid the original price?

Get creative in looking for ways that your clients can buy your offerings.
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Sales is about creating positive outcomes for others. In order to create these positive outcomes for others, the salesperson has to have both the desire and the ability to do so. Caring is the desire to create these outcomes, and the force underlying the actions they take to ensure that the outcomes are achieved for their clients. Read More
Analytics are a very hot topic today, and the term analytics itself was initially applied to Web measurement. If you have a web site and no analytics you are walking into absolute dark. In this post I review three great books on Business Analytics. Read More
This article is on Popular Science's development of a digital magazine. A digital magazine will change the landscape for advertising -- marketers will be able to offer ads with further product details than a paper ad, while readers will be able to buy content by the article as well as a whole issue. Read More
This is a new field undertaken by marketers and advertisers that studies consumers’ sensorimotor, cognitive and affective response to marketing stimuli. Read More
If price were the deciding factor in procurement, sales would be simpler and quicker. But it's more complex than that. Read More

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