How to use You Tube to increase your market penetration and get your story out. Great way to go viral and increase your sales.

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Businesses having Facebook Fan pages can exploit the huge potential that Facebook offers in terms of getting visitors, since Facebook is second only to Google for sheer number of visitors. Read More
Here the deal, you enter now, then you win, then you go to the event and learn. Then you put what you learn into practice and win again, over and over, sweet no? But you have to first enter the contest. Read More
Google Buzz is a brand-new social network tool that facilitates Gmail users to share updates, links, images, videos, and more with their friends. GoogleBuzz is designed in a manner that Gmail user can use their existing social contacts to carry out their online social activities. Read More
Every business needs project management. If you do not have a project management methodology your business will lose money. It doesn't have to be complicated though! Read More
I have been conducting a job seekers poll, asking them what they really would like to get from a career advice expert. Results are the views of 100 job seekers. Read More
A good medical brochure design is effective in engaging people to read the content and reflect the image you are trying to project to prospective patients. It pays to provide something of value to readers to make your brochures work for your business. Read More
People think that having a company is a really easy. That everybody can have a company, because it’s not a problem to manage a one-person company. That’s a bullshit! Setting up new firm is easy. Paying taxes is easy. Having company? No. Why? Because having a one-person company is a myth. Read More
To make your postcards market effectively, you need to design them specifically for potential customers. Your postcards should be able to provide them with useful information and eventually persuade them to purchase your products or use your services. Launch an effective postcard marketing campaign by putting yourself in your customer’s shoes. Read More
“The IPO market is like a green banana, it is just not ripe right now,” said Ed Butowsky, managing director at Chapwood Capital Investment Management LLC in Addison, Texas. “QuinStreet didn’t work out great for investors. When it trades flat in after-market trading, there is going to be less appetite from investors to buy the next IPO.” Read More

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