Why should individuals and businesses alike use online storage to backup their vital data and how to use online storage to collaborate with others remotely. Read More
Here are the articles I enjoyed reading last week on BizSugar, together with some of the thoughts they inspired on international business. Read More
Listen in to our monthly radio podcast talking about the tourism industry and social media technology news. This month features frank discussion about the economy, social media news (Foursquare!), and other pertinent topics. Read More
We already know what old school marketing can teach you about social media. But hey - let's have some fun and learn something at the same time. Read More
Successful entrepreneurs are a breed to their own. They are people who take personal responsibility. They are people who are prepared to do whatever it takes to make their business or project successful. They are people who always have a plan. Read More
12 ‘C Level’ executives outline what they see at the critical first steps when transitioning into a new role. Read More
Angel investment is one of the ways for start-up businesses to raise money for startup capital. Angels take a risk in investments, and an interest in the companies in which they invest. Businesses of all kinds are sought by angel investors - real estate, brokerage, pet supplies, craft stores, entertainment, restaurants and catering, appliance repair, retail, greeting cards, travel, photography, c Read More
It's time to start preparing your small business taxes. Don't forget about these small business tax deductions! Read More
When small businesses fail, the wreckage is often assigned to undercapitalization, among other mistakes. Seldom is failure attributed to a lack of effective communications that might have modified the behavior of sales prospects in a positive way, thus averting bankruptcy. Read More
To operate a business legally one needs to meet all the laws for operating a business in your country and local community. In the United States that means the laws of the federal government, state governments of every state in which you do business, and in many locales, even city and/or county laws governing business operation. While this may sound intimidating, there are multiple sources of help Read More

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