There’s not a whole lot of point speaking to people who don’t want to speak to you. If you are involved in advertising in daily newspapers, general interest publications, direct mail to diverse mailing lists or even billboards, you are probably wasting a good percentage of your advertising dollar. Unless you’re overall goal is awareness, then this is a luxury best avoided. Read More
Here are seven things that will help you succeed, and they don’t cost a penny. You see, success is not the result of good luck, being born in the right family, or intellectual superiority. Success is neither the property of the elite nor the possession of the privileged; success belongs to the brave soul who is willing to chase it down. Given this, we know that we’re all capable of success! Read More
The Friday FREE White Paper List is a summary of the free white papers that have been posted during the past week on Twitter. Each white paper is completely FREE and does not require either email registration or any other personal information. This is a great way to review white paper examples and learn new techniques. Read More
At Women Grow Business, Jen Consalvo shares her tips for maximizing time at events such as CES. Read on for great ideas on how to make the most of larger-than-life shows to grow your business, yet avoid your head exploding. Read More
Snow days are usually bad for business. But with a good social media marketing plan in place, local business can capitalize on the opportunity... Read More
A new eMarketer report shows that the number of Baby Boomers embracing social media, especially Facebook, jumped drastically between 2008 and 2009. Read More
Yahoo announced their fourth quarter 2009 earnings just minutes ago. They reported better than expected earnings, with a decline in revenue of only 4%, year Read More

Technology can be a great thing when it comes to getting more done. It can also be a way to wall yourself off from real engagement with human beings, but that’s a post for another day.

jottToday I would like to share a handful of tools and the actual processes I employ to get more done with these tools. I think it’s important to set-up routines that allow you to free up time to do the big th Read More
What kind of small business marketing tips are you implementing for Super Bowl XLIV, taking place at SunLife Stadium in Miami, Fla.? This is an easier question to answer if your business is located in New Orleans or Indianapolis, the two cities whose teams will be represented in Super Bowl XLIV. If your small business is located in another area, there are still lots of marketing or advertising op Read More
You've got several "great" ideas for new web sites. How do you choose which one has the best potential to make you money online?

Author Scott Fox's surprising answer to one of his Click Millionaires coaching club members may surprise you! Read More

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