There is an increasing buzz on all social media groups and blogs about how to use social networks effectively for marketing and for targeting your audience better. Read More
For my money, it’s not so much about all the checks and balances that we put in place to try and protect ourselves, but the conviction and passion we put out there to attract what we want. Therein lies a key that a lot of businesses miss. They don’t understand the difference between corporate image and corporate identity. Corporate identity is the nuts and bolts of the design and appearance of th Read More
Yes, I know all too well that as an entrepreneur you have far too much to do, but money is the bottom line and you need to understand it. If you have been keeping your head in the sand in relation to the state of your company’s finances, then it’s time to shake the sand from your hair and pay attention. Read More
Holidays/vacations are important. They help us re-charge, re-connect with the fact that the world outside of business exists and is there to be enjoyed, relax with friends or on our own and to take stock of where we are now. The business will be better off because you will give it the necessary attention but with a refreshed viewpoint. Read More
You've decided to take the plunge and open a franchise. You've done your due diligence, secured your financing and have your opening date in sight but the hard work is far from finished. Now come the tasks of hiring, scheduling, managing, attracting and retaining customers while sticking to your franchisor's proven business model. Read More
Using these Internet Marketing Strategies to market your small business online will get the best return on investment and allow you to dominate your competitors plus you will be paying less for your clicks than your competition.
You don’t have to be worried of the Google slap when you apply these basic rules when using Google Adwords. Read More
Planning for success means having a clear vision supported by a dynamic strategic framework, built on ethical precepts and empirical analysis. Many small businesses are owned and operated by passionate people who have a clear and intuitive understanding of their industry.

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For B2Bs, mobile's arrival means their marketing must also change if they want to maintain a presence in the media where their audiences have already migrated. On that imperative, here are five reasons why mobile marketing is prime for B2Bs, along with five key questions that B2B marketers should be asking themselves. Read More
If you are supervising or managing employees and you want to know if they are sure about how to complete their latest assignment. How do you go about finding out? When we want to get our message through, how do we talk to our employees? Are we doing a good job at communicating with each other? Here are some suggestions on effective employee communication: Read More
Integrated Marketing Communications is the overarching term used to describe all of the different ways you communicate with your community. Read More

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