Is your website welcoming and easy to navigate? Do your visitors see a professional representation of your business? Do they get the customer service they deserve? It's all about the usability. Read More
I'm a big fan of TED events. The following videos are part of TED's best of the web series; consisting of inspirational videos by Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King and many more. Read More
Desktop software may soon be a thing of the past. This is especially true in collaboration applications–the kind project managers and work groups use. Web-based solutions from SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) providers are quickly replacing networked office servers. The reasons are compelling. Read More
Here's a short video explaining the 2 tools I find most valuable for successfully organizing social media marketing today.

A reporter from a major national magazine recently asked me about how to organize your social media marketing efforts. Our conversation got me thinking, so I recorded this video for you as part of my new Scott Fox Online Marketing Show.

The video includes details of h Read More
So many small businesses start blogs, only to fizzle into mediocrity, or even worse, stagnant pages that haven't been updated in years. If you're looking to start, or simply revive your blog, here are some good pointers. Read More
It continues to amaze me that so many salespeople shuffle into most of their sales calls with very little, if any, prior planning. There's a better way, and it's more effective. Read More
The creative process takes time. If you ask me to provide you with some creative ideas, out of the blue, you may not be impressed with my answers. Moving a project out of the conscious line of fire, and into the subconscious allows a new perspective and breakthrough creativity. Read More
It does not matter whether you are a brand new business and still looking for clients, or you have been in business for awhile, you need to know who you are and what you want. Be aware of the image that your business projects! Read More
We have all heard the infamous sales mantra–ABC, Always Be Closing. But what about Openings? This is the essential question Anthony Iannarino, of The Sales Blog asks, what’s more important the opener or the closer? Read More
I’ve met Seth Godin only once in person. I attended one of his personal jam sessions (my term, not his) in New York. He changes you.

Not everyone gets that opportunity. However, I think Linchpin comes the closest to having your own personal jam session with Seth Godin Read More

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