Project timelines are often works of fiction designed to appease a demanding customer or an unrealistic boss. All this does is create a project doomed to failure. Is honesty not a better option? Read More
The numbers are a testament to the speed of growth on the Internet; do check them out, but here are some highlights: Read More
When answering the question of how to choose the right lawyer for your small business an obvious start might be checking their references. But attorney Joseph Zellmer suggests some other points you might consider such as likability and follow through. Watch the video: Read More
This quote from Paul Arden rings true for many small business owners who are using internet, new media and social media marketing. They are bending solutions from their old marketing efforts to fit their new ones, most of the time poorly. When adding a new marketing medium to your efforts, think about this quote. Read More
Developing a marketing strategy is vital for any business. Without one, your efforts to attract customers are likely to be haphazard and inefficient. Read More
The internet has become an important medium of communication. People all over the globe use the internet almost every day to either search for something or just to simply connect with people from other parts of the world. The internet consists of millions of websites that are hosted on various servers around the world and the number of sites keep increasing every day This increasing size of the i Read More
Collaborating with your competitor can be a win-win situation for everyone involved, including your bottom line. Read More
According to the Associated Press, with the release of their 5-4 decision re Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission on Thursday 21 January 2010 the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) made it legal for corporations to "spend as freely as they like to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress". Effectively granting corporate entities the status of "supercitizen", goin Read More
Do you use concept graphics in your white paper? What is a concept graphic and why are they important? This blog post will provide you with an overview of concept graphics and explain how to enhance them for your next white paper project. Read More
I love this feature sometimes I wantto find out what people in my local area are discussing. Will be helpful to exchange information in case of emergency in a local area as well Read More

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