Audience is becoming an increasingly specialized term. With so many opportunities and channels for consumers to interact with media - and content specialization rampant from cable TV to the Internet - “mass” marketing is becoming a difficult and expense endeavor. Read More
Most sales people face more competition than ever. And those competition are knocking on your customers' doors trying to take the business from you. Here are three strategies that can help you keep them out. Read More
Social Media Pro, from Duct Tape Marketing, is now available as a self-study course. Social Media Pro is a five course program designed to get you up and running with social media marketing. This program includes the following sessions: Session... Read More
Short article from Sales Tip A Day that lists why you should write a blog to help differentiate yourself from your competition and identify targeted leads for your product or service. Read More
Sales people need to realize that a pipeline is not a holding crate for everything they come across in the course of the day, but a place to manage real opportunities to close. Rather than having the false comfort of a "full pipe", they should be striving to clear the distractions and focus on closing and refilling the pipe with viable prospects. Read More
As a newly established company, should not be too rigid in forming organization structure. What should be the main concern is the component of what is required Read More
Everyone in business has an area of expertise. And sharing that expertise is a useful way of enhancing your business offering. If people see you as an expert, it will build their trust in you Read More
There's been a lot of 'buzz' across the Web regarding the viability of eBooks for solution marketing? Some say that this medium will eventually be the replacement for the venerable white paper.

But if you compare how eBooks and white papers are perceived across the Internet, you will find that only one is the true medium for solution-oriented marketing....the white paper!

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Writing a blog post and publishing it to your website doesn't mean anyone is going to read it. This article discusses ways to improve your readership without spending any money. Read More
Amidst the privacy policy debacle that Facebook is facing, another tip off from one of their employee is definitely not helping their current situation. An interview with an anonymous Facebook employee conducted on blogsite The Rumpus confirms that Facebook knows your every move. Read More

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