Accountancy firms that increase their marketing output will greatly improve their chances of surviving the recession, a commentator has said. Discussing marketing options, Mr Goldsmith promoted the use of direct mail as an effective and simple method of communication. Read More
Here’s a good story about an entrepreneur using small business online marketing ideas who found a great niche and is now utilizing the Internet to “grow her footprint” in business. Diana Vanover is a woman with big feet. She always found frustration when trying to locate comfortable and stylish shoes in her size because few retail stores actually carry them. So she set out to create change. Read More
Wake up, world, to today’s way of doing business. This is no time to hide behind a rock and think you have every good reason not to produce results in 2010. Guess again. All vital signs on globalization indicate that the best is yet to come. If you don't have a crystal ball, check out these ten predictions that will shape the future of global small business in 2010. Read More
According to Google’s Matt Cutts Page Speed may become a ranking factor in 2010. Now the time has come to think apart from on page & off page optimization. How to get a faster website? Lot of factors work behind this but most important one is to carefully choose your web hosting service provider. Your website speed performance is directly impacted with the quality of your host’s connectivity and Read More
How can you create a culture of appreciation for your small business. Check out how Datotel restructured their employee appreciation program in this article from Employee appreciation can be a powerful tool for your company culture. Consider how you can improve appreciation for your employees and create a better environment at your business. Read More
Nikki Pilkington, an online marketing expert, has posted these great tips on what to do for your Facebook fan page. The fan page can be a great online marketing tool used correctly but sometimes knowing what to post can be a challenge. This article can be very helpful when trying to decide how best to use the fan page to your business's advantage. Not every tip will be applicable to every fan pag Read More
Shake things up and grab attention with Buzz Marketing. In new marketing, whether it's word-of-mouth, buzz, viral or social media the rules are reversed. Your target customers don't join you - you join them. You do all the work to create the relationship and present the story. Here's how to get people talking about your brand and keep them talking. Read More
Most businesses have at least some seasonality to them. Perhaps the first quarter of every calendar year is always slow, or your business comes to a stand-still every November through December. Here is real-world example and a discussion on how to alleviate the stress that comes from a lack of steady cash flows. Read More
The author describes the day he learned about clarifying vague expressions with a little help from his mentor, Dick Harlow. Read More
Your business has grown over the years reaching a point when you start debating whether to buy a property for expansion or continue with the leased space. You will find a number of classifieds where you will find real estate for sale. However, it is up to you to measure the pros and cons and then decide on the issue. Read More

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