Looking to fine-tune your PPC campaigns and drive more relevant traffic to your website? Then check out these five tips that help you write converting ad copy. Read More
I have been using a PC for many years and I was always curious about an Apple Mac but never bought one. My laptop finally packed in so I decided to invest in a Apple Macbook Pro which cost 1,500 euro. This is probably 50% more than I wanted to pay for a laptop but was it worth it? Read More
You don't have to be a marketing expert anymore to put an ezine together or blast your prospects with an e-marketing campaign or a cool survey. They are all great ways to engage with your customers and Web 2.0 has given us fantastic, easy to use tools. Read More
Do you know the difference between a direct link to your website and a re-direct link - also known as a jump link or indirect link? If you don't then please read on. Read More
I wish Albert Einstein was still alive today as I know most jobseekers would listen to him. As much as I try to inspire creativity and invention in job search I fear that many jobseekers gravitate back to the same routine, tasks and approach. This is insanity but you don't have to believe me. According to our friend Mr Albert Einstein insanity is Read More
What is business performance management? Is it only available for large enterprises or is it accessibl to small and medium businesses? Read More
How can you turn around a bad sales day in your store halfway through the day? Learn how Business Intelligence software can help your retail establishment and save the day. Read More
To all of our businesses, customer is king, but we often lose sight of this fact during our normal working day. This is primarily the case in the services delivery world where the purchase is not instant for the most part i.e. it usually involves multiple interactions e.g. a piece of consultancy. Read More
Love it or hate it, cold calling is here to stay. But is it right for your company and should your sales staff be the ones 'dialing for dollars'? Read how to figure out what will work best in your situation. Read More
Tips for marketers on increasing the acceptance and pursuit of the sales leads they generate. Generating leads that sales drops everything else to call. Read More

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