Far too many sales professionals hear prospect objects as personal rejection. Because of this, many sales professionals are terrified of prospect objections. Rather than being something scary, however, the truth is that an objection from your prospect is important information. You are learning about your prospect, how that prospect thinks and feels and what is important to them. Your prospects’ o Read More
Peter Drucker, widely considered to be "the father of modern management”, was one of the most brilliant and insightful thinkers and writers on management in the history of mankind.
Reading what he said in 1999 about “Managing Oneself” has inspired my current work as professional life coach and career consultant. I wanted to share some of his thoughts. Read More
By working at home you’re reducing the use of fuels and limiting the amount of pollution generated by modern means of transportation. However, there is still a lot more you can do to help protect the environment. In this post, we’ll show you ten ways to make your home office more environmentally friendly and an even better place to work. Read More
If you are seeking employment or spend a lot of time working alone, inspirational quotes can help keep you motivated. Here are some of my favourite quotes. Read More
When was the last time you really asked for exactly what you needed from your sales prospects? This article refreshes your memory of how as a toddler you had the ability to ask, and to continue to ask for what you wanted, until you got it. The article also encourages you to take action to regain this important sales skill.
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You were born with two ears and one mouth. This article outlines the importance of using these instruments in that proportion when making any sales pitch. It also addresses the importance of self awareness when it comes to the elements that constitute good listening skills. Read More
Prospecting is the life blood of any SME business. If you avoid the 7 common mistakes business owners tend to make in their prospecting activities as outlined in this article, you will not only save yourself time and grief, but you will help to set your business up for future prosperity. Read More
If you want to know how to file bankruptcy then you need to visit this link. They give you all the bankruptcy information you need to get started. Read More
Unfortunately too many people take the development of a business plan lightly and simply do not create a document that will get results. Over the years, we have reviewed and written numerous business plans and have worked closely with funding sources. Read More
Need some quick hints and tips about how to make performance management work? In about 400 words? Here's a list of ten tips, albeit basic ones, to help managers and supervisors with the process. Read More

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