Playing up what makes you special could be the very thing that keeps you in business. Robin Fisher Roffer, author of The Fearless Fish Out of Water: How to Succeed When You’re the Only One Like You, offers these tips. Read More
In his book, Influence: Science and Practice, Dr. Robert Cialdini shares six rules for successful persuasion, each one the result of detailed scientific research. Use these six principles to be more persuasive in your business dealings. Read More
An analogy comparing social media in 2009 to the first telephones catching on. Read More
A structured sales process is a prerequisite: the CP will want to see how it fits into your reporting structure, your Management Information System. The reporting model for CPs is the same but different! Like your direct sales force they must report on their pipeline and activities within the sales funnel: leads generated, deals closed, deals lost. It’s different insofar as you are working wit Read More
Things to remember while selecting an internet phone service provider for office as well as residential voip.
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Powerful story of how a new consumer products start-up is keeping focus on its true beliefs and goals to fundamentally change the relationship between individual person and consumer product thought the process of connected individualism. Read More
On December 1,2009, General Motors announced that Mr Fixit, Fritz Henderson was resigning. After almost 7 billion dollars in tax payer investments, Henderson was unable to secure a deal to protect the company's future. When is the right time for small business owners to know it's time to quit? Read More
Obtaining funding should start with a solid business plan. If you write a convincing business plan, then your chances of obtaining funding are greatly enhanced. Lenders and investors want to see proof that customers want your product or service and are willing to buy it for a price at which you can make a profit. The more tangible evidence you offer of this claim, the better chance you have. Read More
A start-up, founded by two individuals with ideal backgrounds to establish and grow a new kind of company, focuses on truly helping consumers solve their credit challenges. Read More
Business blogging expert Denise Wakeman recommends creating multiple niche blogs if your business addresses more than one audience. Of course, we've all heard by now about the importance of creating a blog to promote, brand and gain exposure for your business and as a way of establishing you as an expert in your field. But Wakeman urges businesses who publish blogs to also give careful thought to Read More

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