The submission is for a blog post I recently wrote for hope you find it useful in your entrepreneurial journeys!

Entrepreneurship can be an emotional roller coaster. However, much like life itself, if you develop the right relationships, it is reassuring and comforting to know that you are not heading out on the journey alone (unless you’re a jerk).

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In 3 of the past 4 market rebounds since 1982, equity gains slowed to a single digit pace in the 2nd year, after the initial rally. Now dividend stocks have extra appeal because they offer a tempting alternative to CDs. Read More
5 Reasons why every online store should have a blog and the way to use the blog once you set one up for your ecommerce website. Read More
These three tips came from Stephen Lynch, COO of Take them to heart. Stephen and his company make great use of social media to reach their BHAG, Big Hairy Audacious Goals. Read More
Coaching is one of those words that tends to lace everyday language at work but I wonder how many people who are supposed to be doing it actually know what it means or what it takes to be a good coach? Read More
Are you thinking about downsizing your sales force. How can you lead your sales organization through this transition? Read More
These are tips for any shopper that is buying online that they can use to quickly get important information about an online store to determine whether that store is safe or not. Read More
Companies that duck the immediate dangers of the economic downturn and put themselves in a position to jump at any opportunity to recover once the dust settles will be the ones on top in the end, says Steven S. Little, author of the new book Duck and (Re)Cover: The Embattled Business Owners Guide to Survival and Growth. Read More
New Orlando Advertising Business Directory Network helps to connect Central Florida businesses to consumers at no cost! Read More
This year has been a very exiting time for traders and investors. We have seen a steady climb in prices with controlled pullbacks in the broad market and gold. Using technical analysis we are able to quickly and accurately make informed decisions just from looking at the charts. In the charts below you will see how simple chart patterns along w Read More

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