More than half of all U.S. businesses are home-based, defining an ongoing trend. With lower overhead, these small businesses employ one in ten workers and are just as competitive as their counterparts in commercial offices... Read More
The story behind new media mogul, wine rock star and best-selling author Gary Vaynerchuk plus his tips for you the entrepreneur. Read More
Coca-Cola has done it again! While Coke lagged behind at first in the social media world, its recent advertising campaigns have made up for its slow start. Innovative and interactive, Coke's recent ploys have targeted the Internet as the primary sight for gaining brand recognition and exposure. “Expedition 206” is Coke's most recent quest under it Read More
The past week in gold, silver, oil, natural gas, and the broad market wasn't't anything to write home about. We are seeing controlled profit taking which is making the market choppy. Many traders are getting very bearish on the market which is a good thing in my opinion. According to my market internals, sentiment, and volume analysis we should g Read More
A real-life scenario measuring if it would be best for the owner to sell his business to the employees. Read More
The path to a more effective white paper isn't a shorter white paper, its a more effective one. Adding visual enhancements to your white paper is a more effective strategy to attract today's short attention audience than producing a two to four page paper. This post will provide you with reasons why Short Attention Marketing techniques are a sup Read More
Let's take a step even further back and consider the why: directed application of social media can accomplish some seriously valuable objectives. Following are 10 tried and proven applications of social media Read More
From business promotion with no money to a list of 8 excellent entrepreneurship books, there are some serious tips for entrepreneurs, marketers, and small business owners in this weeks' best of questions. Read More
When we, the customers have a complaint or query directed to a company, we either visit the corporate website or ring up the busy hotline... Could Twitter be a solution? Read More
How can you get through to customers who no longer respond to typical advertisements, or win over clients who tend to be suspicious of expert claims? The Web's best business communicators are people with a knack for building relationships. Here are niche marketing tips for earning trust online. Read More

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