If you’re a restaurant owner, you know that running a restaurant business isn’t as simple as having delicious food and a good location. Although these two factors are important, having these alone won’t lead to hordes of customers rushing in through your front door. There are multiple factors and c Read More
As a business mentor, one of the biggest challenges I see in entrepreneurs is a failure to focus. Most aspiring entrepreneurs have new ideas on a regular basis, and find it hard deciding which to pursue, or try to tackle several at the same time.

The result is that nothing ever really gets done Read More
Step by step guide on how to create PayPal account This tutorial will provide you the basic steps guide If you follow it correctly you will be able to create PayPal Read More
If you really want to start a business your way without a boss or professional investor hovering over you, then just fund it yourself or through friends and family, and grow it organically. It’s more possible to bootstrap today than a few years ago, as the cost of entry continues to go down. Accord Read More
Stay up to date with the most important tips and news for small businesses and freelancers. In our weekly roundup, you'll find how to keep your business afloat during the pandemic, the most profitable niches for entrepreneurs, survival principles to make it through the economic crisis, and more. Read More
As an angel investor, I see plenty of startups focusing on building an innovative product, but I’m looking for the few who are also leading with an exponential growth strategy, to put them in the category of the next Amazon or Google. Traditional marketing may be adequate for linear growth, but it Read More
Retail trade in the United States is a $5-trillion industry.
So, if you’re planning to start a small retail store, whether online or offline, you’re entering an industry with massive cash flows. However, with over 3 million businesses in the space, competition is super fierce. Read More
Being a startup in this economy era is not an easy task, contrary to what one might imagine. Dangers, pitfalls and problems are always lurking and you need just a bad move to fall into oblivion.

Be known is fundamental, but the rule of doing anything to get noticed is not always the right way.
Read More
If you're interested in starting a mug printing business, then have a look at this post with the tips and insights for a complete overview Read More
According to most definitions, an entrepreneur is one who envisions a new and different business, meaning one that is not a copy of an existing business model. Many entrepreneurs have a passion and an idea, or even invent a new product, but are never able to execute to the point of creating a start Read More

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