You don’t have to be a large enterprise to practice sustainability. SMBs can certainly make a difference when it comes to helping the planet and it starts with creating a sustainability plan to guide your operations. Read More
Outsourcing IT services enables start-ups to focus on their core competency. It also helps get better IT support for your employees. Read More
It’s painful when you start a new business for the wrong reasons. As a mentor to aspiring entrepreneurs, one of my challenges is to make sure their idea is a match for them. For example, I have a friend who is a self-proclaimed “foody” who wants to start a restaurant, but really has no interest or Read More
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the global population realize that work from home is not only possible for them, but also profitable, in most cases. In fact, for small businesses and budding entrepreneurs, the worldwide health crisis could even be interpreted as a blessing in disguise. Read More
Even in this age of videos and text messages, the quickest way to kill your startup dream with investors, business partners, or even customers, is embarrassingly poor writing. Being very visible in the startup community, I still get an amazing number of badly written emails, rambling executive summ Read More
As a former IBM executive, I used to think that big-company executives would be ideally skilled and experienced in business to run a small company or a startup. Yet that rarely happens, and when it does, like John Sculley moving from Pepsi to Apple, the results don’t turn out so positive. I see thi Read More
In my experience as a business and entrepreneur advisor over many years, I’m convinced that the days of the “command and control” business leader are gone. Your employees have higher expectations of you than just defining their job – they want inspiration, motivation, and purpose. They respond with Read More
From fintech to heathtech startups, so many innovative companies are launching in Africa. This article features a list of some of the most innovative companies in Africa for 2020... Read More
Business podcasts are a great way to find new information and get creative. While almost the whole world is in quarantine, it's a perfect time to listen to some amazing podcasts. Check this article to find the top 8 business podcasts and get inspired. Read More
How to Use the TM Symbol After Registering a Trademark

You’ve put a lot into getting your Trademark learn how to use the TM symbol and enforce it after registering a trademark – your brand depends on it. Read More

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