Negotiating the medical system can be a full-time challenge for some patients. As a healthcare consumer, you face hard-to-overcome hurdles that can stem, in part, from a lack of clarity about coverage processes and procedures. What you may not know, however, is that physicians, too, operate under u Read More
In my experience, the Silicon Valley startup model, focused on disrupting established industries, has treated the USA well and created some great global businesses. Yet many of you are telling me that we are all missing big opportunities by not recognizing the unique challenges faced by startups in Read More
As a student, you may come across times when you are really struggling to keep up with your subjects. This is something that can arise for a variety of reasons, such as missing classes due to illness or other issues or simply due to lack of understanding of a particular subject. Whatever the reason Read More
As an entrepreneur mentor and startup investor, I see with sadness the 50 to 90 percent that fail. If you ask them for a reason, most will insist that they couldn’t get funding, or they ran out of money too early. But I’m not convinced that it’s as simple as that. Many are just not facing the reali Read More
Having a tech business idea is great, but unfortunately, there is always that one big hitch – funding. And you have to get it somehow, because otherwise, you won’t be able to hire the best people, achieve traction, and create life-changing products. Finding the best funding option is maybe the most Read More
Many passionate entrepreneurs fight to add more features into their new products and services, assuming that more function will make the solution more appealing to more customers. In reality, more features will more likely make the product confusing and less usable to all. Focus is the art of limit Read More
Believe it or not, it pays to think about your exit strategy before you start a business, just like buying a house. Is it an investment, do you want to flip it, or do you plan to live there forever? For entrepreneurs seeking investors like me, it’s especially critical, since investors want to see a Read More
The success of a business depends on a number of different factors. Productivity, marketability, innovation, and reliability are probably most frequently discussed as key contributors in this story. However, it is hard to look at all of the things we covered above and not to notice they are all lai Read More
Important points to consider before starting a yoga business, plus all the resources you need if you decide to start one Read More
In a very short number of years, Uber has revolutionised the traditional taxi business industry throughout the world. Simply put, it has enabled millions of people to press a few buttons on their smartphone and have a cab driver pick them up from their current location in the shortest space of time Read More

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