NeighborOil is the start of a new currency (Neighbor Points) that will allow consumers to pay for local services through the use of points instead of just cash. Imagine shopping for groceries and earning neighbor points that you can use to pay for oil, the landscaper or remodeling work – that is w Read More
I’ve always wondered why every executive meeting has to be one hour in length, or longer. That’s probably a tenth of your day spent on one issue. It better be a critical one, because you have a hundred others waiting. I believe you can be much more productive, as well as a more effective leader, if Read More
To have a successful business, it’s not enough to simply acquire lots of customers. You need to retain them, and to retain them you need to make them happy. Measure your customers’ happiness levels, look at those numbers closely, and adjust your business model accordingly. Read More
Reducing small business costs is something every business needs to do, no matter the type or the structure of the business. In today’s economic situation, it has become increasingly important for small businesses to find ways to reduce overall costs. This helps to boost the bottom line of the busin Read More
Perhaps your business is brand new. Perhaps you just acquired it. It may even be a business you have built from the ground up. If it does not have a brand as of right now, your business could be losing out overall. Many small businesses struggle to develop a brand because it is not something that i Read More
I was a successful realtor, even owned a small company with my husband, but when the real estate market tanked beginning in 2008 it started costing us more money to do business than we were making. We decided to take a time-out, maybe pretend we were retired, and wait for the market to improve. Our Read More
There are going to be times that reek of impending doom, where the stress is overwhelming and the choices all seem terrible. It’s easy to get disheartened when things are low, but you can’t let yourself give in. Read More
Creating great content is arguably the most important thing any entrepreneur, blogger, startup or online business owner can do to organically drive qualified traffic and potential revenue to their site. But having a site full of great content is only one side of the coin. Read More
When your business is your only “baby” that can be time-consuming enough.

And yet mompreneurs seem to be finding ways to juggle raising new businesses, as well as their families with success. So last week we sought the wisdom of our mompreneur community and asked -

As a mompreneur, what is yo Read More
Blog security is one of the most crucial element of wordpress blog. All bloggers are mainly concentrating on the security aspect of the blog. Secure WordPress is a free WordPress plugin that helps secure your WordPress blog by reviewing key security functions. Read More

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