Startups, entrepreneurs and, more often than not, established businesses often miss out on potential profits and additional revenue due to lack of proper competitive analysis. Read More
Most of the time, I’m all about providing encouragement and inspiration to entrepreneurs. They need it and they deserve it, because entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our economy. But every so often, I try to give them a reality check, just to keep their feet on the ground and their nose to the gri Read More
Non-technical entrepreneurs are constantly on the hunt for a technical co-founder. Former Digg Creative Director and Milk co-founder Daniel Burka says he constantly hears from people who have the ‘greatest idea ever’ and they want to know how to get it built. Read More
Whether you are a fan of Star Wars or not, you can’t deny the wisdom packed into the eight simple words uttered by Master Yoda:

“Do. Or don’t do. There is no ‘try’”

So often in business, we think that the point is to try –

Try something new.
Try to grow the business.
Try to succeed.
But Read More
Launching a start-up business is a huge undertaking, especially when competing against the better known business giants. I entered into the daily deal space which some will think is crazy because it seems like everyone has entered into this trend. I however, didn’t let the “Big Dogs” in the daily Read More
Wordpress is one of the best content management system which is first choice of many bloggers as the platform for their blog. It is also used for designing websites and e-commerce sites. More famous your blog or site is more the hackers will try to hack it. Read More
If you have just invented a product, created a work of art or have developed a new process, you probably know that you need to protect your creation. But what is it to be – patents, copyrights, or trademarks? It can all be a bit confusing. It’s easiest to determine what it is you need by understand Read More
Does your business have a story behind your product? Most companies do. What is yours?
Are your users/customers paying for the experience of your product/service? Read More
I answer questions about making money as a professional blogger and online writer. I love working from home, and you can see how I got started. Read More
When you're starting out in business one of the most important decisions you'll make is naming your business. Correctly chosen and your name will be talked Read More

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