Planning a business’s sale is important. Most savvy business buyers will fully research the business prior to making a business. No matter what asking price you set for the business, be sure you can back up its worth. Read More
There is a difference between having a job and owning a business. Unfortunately, when many people start or buy a business they don’t make the proper distinction. Let’s use an example. Bob has a job where he earns $50,000 a Read More
There are many huge corporations currently the top earners worldwide. Here are the lists of 10 most successful businesses of all time. Read More
Making decisions can be difficult at times, especially when there is risk involved and the possibility of failure. And it’s easy to complicate things further when you don’t operate from a position of self-trust.

You have a “gut,” which is your inner compass. It has developed through your lifetim Read More
Being a good entrepreneur means being able to effectively convince an investor that you have a great idea, persuade partners that your approach is right, and convince potential customers that the solution is right for them. If all your ideas are intuitively obvious to everyone, you probably aren’t Read More
This new book on how to launch a business, challenges all of your preconceived notions about startups. School for Startups takes all the risk out of starting a business, limits the stress, and lays out a path to a drama-free business launch. Written by an entrepreneur who has lived the drama, and a Read More
We worked closely with the CrazyEgg team to increase conversions 21% on their website in just 30 days and we're spilling the beans on how we did it! Read More
I just acquired Startup Warrior. It's a business application that lets you to find the locations of IT companies worldwide. Read More
It seems like products and services come and go from the marketplace theses days. It's hard to keep up with technology and easy to get left behind if you're not paying attention. It's nice to see a longtime friend, Dunkin' Donuts, still around - and growing at that.

No, donuts have not yet gone Read More
One of the toughest challenges of an entrepreneur in building a startup is the fact that there are so many things that you don’t know how to do, or don’t like to do. Things like raising money, building a business plan, or hiring and firing people. These aren’t fun, especially for a visionary. That’ Read More

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