Every so often a promising entrepreneur seems to freeze in the oncoming headlights and gets run over by his competition. Why is it that his idea which seemed so fundable only months ago fails to dazzle investors today? The team is the same. The company's market is the same. Read More
You're a start-up business and need employees who will positively affect the bottomline, drive results and take the initiative. Here are a few great tips on what to look for in employees...and how to find those who are self-starters. Read More
Commenting is the good feature provided in the WordPress as well as Blogger platform. It has the power to increase the popularity of the article via effective commenting and arguments with the author of the article. Here, the commenter gets the benefit as well as the author. Read More
I became an entrepreneur for two reasons. First, having worked with many consultants while I was employed full-time, I realized that someday, I wanted that same lifestyle - running my own business, choosing the work that I wanted to do, and having challenging work. And second, when I was told that Read More
Your marketing launch is the most important element of startup success these days, to get customer attention in this world of information overload. Yet it is the one element that too many entrepreneurs focus on only as an afterthought. Everyone assumes their product or service is so great that “wor Read More
Though most entrepreneurs may understand that enough money is needed to get their new businesses up and running, the truth is that no business can pass the start-up phase to become a successful, operating entity unless there is also adequate know-how and time. Read More
With the economy in need of some serious help, many believe that the future of America is the small business owner. As entrepreneurs, we have a responsibility to mentor the next generation. So last week we wanted to know what you have been doing to personally invest in and inspire the next generat Read More
Based on Day 14 of http://www.inc.com/31-days-to-a-better-business     This is Day 17: Get Back to the Floor

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If a writer wants to be treated seriously, he needs to take himself seriously. Writing for money is a business - act that way. Read More
For some reasons, directory business owners like to build web directories on existing domain names. Here are some tips on how to do so the right way. Read More

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