Once you work through the other aspects, the next step in buying a business is to make the investment happen. After reviewing the financials and the overall business organization, decide to invest or to walk away. If you invest, use an attorney to help you to legally change ownership of the propert Read More
Partnerships are like double edged knives, on one hand they can give you the much needed support to be successful in your business and on the other hand they can destroy your business if you are not careful enough. Here are a few ways to make sure that you survive a bad partnership. Read More
I tell entrepreneurs that Google was an “exception” to all the investment and startup rules, but I’ve always wondered what it takes to be an exception. Since every business is built by unique individuals, I’m totally convinced that exceptional people are the key to an exceptional company. Read More
This week I am so pleased to share my interview with Tawana Necole, Founder of Corporate Chics, LLC.

In our interview, Tawana shares her biggest start-up challenges after being “released” from her full-time job, the motivation behind creating Sistergirl Tuesdays, why her best decision was to sim Read More
Advice to evuate between the good and the bad ideas.It’s often said that there’s no such thing as a bad idea. Whilst that maybe true in brainstorming sessions, having too many ideas can be bad for business. Read More
If you're working a full-time job and want to start your own business, Tai Goodwin shares advice, tips and tools to help you reach your goal of being your own boss. Read More
Every webpreneur has his/her own preference of web businesses. As of for me, I prefer blogs over the rest - I have my own reasons. Read on. Read More
If you are thinking about starting a new business online, good for you! You’ve already probably read all about those guys (and gals) who have gotten rich doing what you are thinking about doing. Many of these internet gurus have income figures per month that are many times what most of us make annu Read More
Growing a business from start to success can be a long process. The business world is very fluid and constantly changing, putting new businesses at great risk of failure. This is why entrepreneurs might want to consider acquiring an existing business. Read More
There I was...sitting in my corporate car. It was only 8 a.m. and I felt as though I had already put in a full days of work.

"I can't believe this is my life." I started to cry.

On paper, my life looked really good.

Why was I so....I don't know...unfulfilled? Read More

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