A spin-off is merely a startup spawned by a mature parent (company), and conventional logic would dictate that it has a survival advantage over the lowly startup. Yet spin-offs seem to most often fail to launch in the real world. I was part of one myself a few years ago, and felt the pain, so the p Read More
If you are looking for mobile food business ideas, I recommend you to visit Mobile Cuisine Magazine, an online mobile food magazine. Read More
If you’re idea-maker is, ahem, all blocked up, you need Brain-Oh. With these simple 2-steps you'll spark ideas, unclog your creativity and find new ways to do your thing. Read More
I asked my readers what they're normally doing when new ideas strike, and the number one result was overwhelmingly "showering." I've illustrated that and the other results in an infographic. Read More
Having to write a business plan is the most important facet of starting a business. Consequently, it’s also the greatest deterrent. Here's how to write one and what should go in it. Read More
I often see questions from people who want to start a small business or work from home asking how they can make money online. It’s an interesting question because it has a central premise that there is something different or Read More
An interview with Jill Felska and Jenn Krenn, founders of DreamChamps, about why it's so important to get feedback from your customers and the lessons they learned Read More
If you’re thinking of starting a new business, one of the options that should be considered is a franchise. There are all kinds of franchise business opportunities out there. According to the International Franchise Association there are is an estimated 8 million people who are employed in a franch Read More
When you decide to start a new business in California, it’s important that you know what is expected of you at various levels of government to ensure your business is operating as soon as possible. Read More
Jenny has outsourced her payroll operations to a payroll company but has no intention of outsourcing any of her customer service tasks even though they can be done cheaper by call center workers in the Philippines. On the other hand Jack outsources his technical division but wouldn’t ever consider Read More

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