An interview with Grubwithus co-founder Eddy Lu about what he's learned since participating in Y Combinator and raising $1.6 million in funding. Read More
A lot of independent professionals do not have the time and resources to design a custom invoice template. They usually rely on the free invoice templates and send them out to their customers. Though this is seems like the easiest thing to do, the effect it can have on your future business with you Read More
Acquiring an existing business is a process. It often focuses specifically on the legal process of transferring a business from an original owner to another owner. However, before you consider how the legal process works, consider the value in making such a transfer happen. It can be exciting and o Read More
The object of any business is to generate revenue, which leads to profits. If there are no profits the business will not be able to survive. There are a number of reasons why profits might decline including increased expenses, increased cost of goods, and a reduction in sales. When profits falter m Read More
How about starting a web business that only requires you to do 2 things only, takes your time about 15-30 minutes a day, got paid via Paypal and high in demand? Read More
It’s a well-accepted axiom in the investor community that entrepreneurs learn more from their failures than their successes. Thus a well-explained startup failure often can actually improve your odds of funding in the next go-round. Yet, there is no doubt that the best strategy is to learn from som Read More
If you are looking for online business ideas, I recommend you to start a directory submission service business offering link building services. Learn more. Read More
In today's world, the internet and cell phones have made it easy to reach people anytime and anywhere. At the end of the day, sometimes it's nice to come home to a little privacy where no one will bother you.

Although the fence-building business may not seem very glamorous, this line of work goe Read More
It’s a common question – is more online competition better for your online business and the answer is absolutely yes! If you open a store in your city, the last thing you want is another similar store opening up on the same block or in a nearby vicinity. In fact, it’s generally agreed that less com Read More
In today’s market the small business actually has an advantage over the larger business in several areas but trust is the area where small business is winning hands down. It seems consumers are tiring of the antics of large businesses and have lost all trust in them instead turning to smaller busin Read More

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