If you expect to succeed in the thrill-a-minute, roller coaster ride of a startup, let me assure you it takes more than a good idea, a rich uncle, and luck. In fact, the idea is often the least important part of the equation. Investors tell me that they look at the people first, the business plan s Read More
Most of what you do in business is a reflection of how you think about yourself. From your marketing messages to your interactions with customers, it’s important to regularly self-check and examine what you are conveying through your words and actions.

Worrying about pleasing the whole world is Read More
Apptivo’s CRM capabilities are extensive. Apptivo provides a complete end-to-end sales cycle. This presentation gives you an overview of the wide range of CRM functionality provided by Apptivo. Read More
Reuters came out with the surprising finding that over half of private small company executives expect employees to steal something of value within the next year. On top of that, small businesses are often targets for vandalism and burglary from the outside world as well.

That needs to change. Read More
Chill.com launches completely under the radar, which won't last long. It is Turntable.fm for video. It was launched by Namesake and Adly founder, Brian Norgard. With YouTube video getting over 3-billion views per day, the potential here is amazing. Read More
Let’s face it, consultants have a bad image. Businesses want experienced people who get their hands dirty, rather than experts who give presentations, make recommendations, and disappear. Even consultants don’t like their job, since they don’t often get to see results, and too much of their time is Read More
This is a guest post by Yolanda Facio from Red Hot Momentum. Last week my very smart friend, Lisa Wood, wrote a very quick post on sharing.  In its brevity Read More
Why you need a marketing plan and how to create one.
This is the seventh part of the 10 days to starting a business series. In case you missed the earlier articles in the series you can catch up here. Today we’re going to focus on Marketing, the essential ingredient to letting people know that yo Read More
Answering these questions periodically can help keep long-term goals in mind while you adjust your immediate steps and actions. Read More
I’m really sympathetic to the woman who wrote me this question, but I think I have bad news for her. Maybe the good news is that I’m not an attorney, so I have no real expertise. Read More

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