Once you are able to achieve some real “traction” with your business (paying customers, revenue stream), it may seem the time to relax a bit, but in fact this is the point where many founders start to flounder. All the skills and instincts you needed to get to this level can actually start working Read More
With the Internet so readily available, this is possible for anyone who has something they love to do or make and who has the drive to turn it into a business. Read More
C-Corp, S-Corp, LLC, Sole Proprietorship... When conceptualizing a new venture, this decision is seldom given the thought and consideration it deserves. Start your business the right way by addressing this first. Read More
How about offering such services to those who want to drive laser-targeted traffic to their websites and start a making money online venture of your own? Read More
One way you can make money by owning your own business is to buy a franchise. While some franchise experiences are poor, there are high quality franchises that can help you earn money. Read More
A while back I received a discouraging note from an entrepreneur with a patent and a medical software application who couldn’t find a dime of investment, and was grousing that seed funding just wasn’t available anymore. After exchanging a couple of notes, I concluded that she was more likely a vict Read More
Interview with Peter Shankman, founder of Help A Reporter Out (HARO) and social media/PR expert, on his advice for entrepreneurs who need to get more done. Read More
The Census Bureau recently noted their jump in an otherwise glum report about mom-and-pop businesses, stating that the number of hairdressers and barbers and the shops they work in grew by about 8 percent from 2008 to 2009, one of the few industries to register growth in a tough economic climate. Read More
Starting your own business can be a real journey in faith. For most, you put yourself and your financial, emotional, and relationship future on the line.

Some entrepreneurs can weather the storm, and others cry “Uncle” and throw in the towel too soon. Last week we wanted to know what makes the Read More
Building a startup is hard work for low pay, it’s risky, and it requires total responsibility to make it work. Yet, many entrepreneurs are the happiest people I know. On the other hand, I know many unhappy individuals who are always partying, have minimal commitments, and little responsibility. I s Read More

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