In Part I the focus was on making a positive first impression. Let's move forward to our next set of touch points. You've made a fantastic impression on your next customer and they've been learning more about you by subscribing to your email list, reading your blog posts, downloading your ebooks, a Read More
Ever had a sales call turn into a shouting match?

Or a potential customer become convinced you are out to do them wrong at every turn?

Every Solopreneur and small business owner has experienced crazy selling situations. The times you are convinced the other person is a few shy of a six-pack. Read More
Starting a new business often involves numerous decisions and details- especially when it comes to its legal set up. If your time and money are limited then you want to do what you can to get your business going on the right foot and save yourself some headaches down the road. Read More
When you are blogging, it is not all the time the creative juices in your mind will come out inspire you to write something that would be of interest to all your readers. There are times when you are out of ideas as to what to write and left with a blank mind. This is usual especially for those blo Read More
In previous articles, I have occasionally mentioned “red flags” which every potential investor unconsciously listens for. Other writers, like Guy Kawasaki, have irreverently called some of these “entrepreneur lies,” but I prefer to think of them as innocent over-enthusiasm or over-confidence that c Read More
Promoting a startup business can be done in a variety of ways. Not all of these are internet based, though the internet is an important tool in getting the word out to large numbers of people quickly. The following are some avenues to consider regarding ways to promote a startup business Read More
Don't make the mistake of thinking that your web-based business shouldn't be run like a store-front business. Without proper planning, you'll fail just as fast. Read More
Outdoor lighting may not be the first business that pops into your mind when considering hot new markets. However, the growing interest in green living combined with the significant price drop in LED light packages may lead to upcoming business opportunity.

The prices for LED light products are Read More
Many entrepreneurs are not prepared for conflict, or actively avoid it. Their vision, passion, and focus are so strong that they can’t imagine someone disagreeing, much less fighting them to the death. But the reality is that startups are composed of smart people, with emotions as well as intellect Read More
The idea for Jellyfish Art came to Alex when visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Here Alex realized just how popular jellyfish exhibits were. It did not take long for Alex’s passion to lead him to start Jellyfish Art and bring to life an, at the time, unthinkable market. Read More

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