I always advise software startups to file patents to protect their “secret sauce” from competitors, and to increase their valuation. The good news is that a patent can scare off or at least delay competitors, and as a “rule of thumb” every patent can add up to $1M to your startup valuation for inve Read More
Sometimes making small changes in your business can be big.Today’s entrepreneurs seem to be hyper-focused on the home run; creating the next big thing. It may not have to be a big change to work.
Could one little tweak do the job? Read More
In short, the driving force that prompted us (my fiance/partner Michelle and I) to start our own business can be summed up in one simple phrase "in the pursuit of happiness."

One of the most important lines in the Declaration of Independence has been reinvented in modern pop culture (both a fav Read More
Is it really lucrative to start a food cart business? How to start one? Find out the answer on this blog post plus a contest and a bonus for our readers! Read More
If you are planning to start a business and you are going to be looking to investors or banks for all or part of your capital be prepared to show the lenders that you understand the industry you are planning to compete in. Many entrepreneurs don’t recognize that no matter what happens in that indus Read More
Many factors play into how effective and efficient any business is. You have big plans for your business, competition that keeps you moving forward, growing your business and sometimes this all becomes so unmanageable that the business fails. It doesn’t have to be that way. These 5 simple things wi Read More
Small Businesses need to understand how to price their products. Startups also need to figure out the best way to price their products. Read More
If you’ve been thinking about expanding your business into a new market you may be trying to decide whether to go abroad or stay domestic. This can be a complex decision with much to weigh out. Most companies would rather stay domestic if the market share is large enough. After all, it’s far less c Read More
Over time, businesses grow and change. Part of that growth often involves entering into a new market. If you’ve decided to go from serving a local market to serving a global market, you’ll find yourself in amongst cutthroat competition. On the other hand, perhaps you’re just expanding into another Read More
As I mentioned last week, being an entrepreneur, even when you are just a one-man-or-woman-show does not mean that you have to go it alone — it pays to have a business buddy. In fact, achieving a the level of successful financial, emotional, and intellectual independence is an exercise in dependen Read More

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