Of all the WP plugins and themes I've been working on all this time, I recommend you to have a look at PremiumPress to help you start an online business. Why? Read More
Are startup founders who play poker statistically more likely to succeed in business? Beats me. But I do know that there are many lessons that founders can learn from poker players. As we all know, poker used to be relegated to smoky casinos and the back rooms of seedy lounges. But, in recent years Read More
Interview with Christopher Stump and Stephanie stump, founders of Mightyvites, a website combining old fashioned paper wedding invitations with online RSVP functionalities Read More
Every business at one time or another decides it needs to reduce the operating costs. In these tough economic times, doing more for less seems to be the motto of most companies. However, it’s a balancing act. On one hand, you want to grow your company. On the other hand, the demand to reduce costs Read More
Your blood, sweat, and tears went into building a successful online business. But the time has come to sell your baby. Every day there are thousands of businesses that change hands, but online businesses are more difficult to sell because there are limited channels available to ensure you get the e Read More
A common mistake of some business owners is to not recognize the value there is in building a relationship with vendors. Some entrepreneurs believe their relationship with the vendor ends when they pay the invoice. Experts believe you are missing out on a valuable business strategy if you don’t tur Read More
Mastering the art of persuasion will give your business a boost. Learning to write and speak persuasively is any business owner’s must-have skill! Read More
I have previously discussed the benefits of filing “intent-to-use” trademark registrations with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”). The final step to completing an intent-to-use (“ITU”) trademark registration application—after your trademark examiner approves the trademark and Read More
These days I see a surge of new startups as we fight our way out of the recession. If you are not starting one yourself, the next best thing is joining one as a partner, or as an early employee. It takes much the same preparation to make you the best entrepreneur, or the best job candidate. Of cour Read More
Some businesses are able to grow and prosper by outperforming their competition in a local niche market, or within a specific region. But the majority of businesses look to expand into new markets to grow their business and one of the most common ways of doing that is to expand geographically. Read More

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