We all know the story. Almost all new restaurants fail soon after opening. Not every chef can have his own kitchen.

But, you endeavored. Your doors are open, your first few patrons have straggled in. Maybe your Opening Week was even a huge success. There’s a long road to hoe, however, and y Read More
OpenPhoto is a photo sharing service allowing you to store photos, tags and comments into your cloud account. It's a soon-to-launch crowdfunding project. Read More
In my previous life, I made a six figure salary. I was the youngest division head reporting to the president of our company and I was in charge of a 30+ person partnership marketing department. My career was on fire.

However, my daughter (who was then 3 years old) said to me one night as I was Read More
Choosing a name many not seem like the biggest challenge your company faces, but the right name can influence buyers and become a staple of your company's entire image. Read More
Many entrepreneurs still dream of “going public,” making billions of dollars, and playing with the big boys. They don’t realize that this option would likely be their worst nightmare, since it costs millions for the road show, usually dilutes your equity to a tiny fraction, and takes away all your Read More
  Entrepreneurs by their very nature have lots of great ideas, but not every great idea makes a great business. Many businesses fail, not from the idea, Read More
Eager to support a business startup, a project launch or an art project? Here are 3 crowdfunding projects I am currently following. Read More
One of the best ways to increase your revenue for your online business is to increase your advertising. But the advertising you choose need to be effective otherwise you are simply wasting money. Here are just a few online advertising techniques that work well, bringing targeted traffic to your web Read More
Today’s business environment is highly competitive, especially when it comes to your online business. The e-commerce site has taken the internet by storm, but too many entrepreneurs are under the impression “if you build it they will come.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Here’s what you n Read More
Anyone can build a team, but the difference between success and failure can be in building the right team. A team is made up of people who bring the necessary skills to the business. Don’t confuse the team with partners. The team is made up of employees, contractors, and sub-contractors, whereas pa Read More

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