Most business are used to offering just a few payments options: Cash is always acceptable. Checks are usually good. Credit cards are more common than they used to be, and are just about the only option if you want to accept payments by phone. But not all businesses have added an online payment option. With more and more of the purchasing process taking place online, though, it's becoming an impor Read More
The due date for federal income tax returns is around the corner. If you haven't gotten on top of your taxes, these last minute tax tips can help you meet that April 15th deadline without a problem with the IRS. Read More
Your effort will make or break your sales career. So will your knowledge and skill and ability to add value to your prospects' lives. So will your ability to create trusting and genuine short-term and long-term relationships with prospects, customers, managers, and suppliers. But, perhaps more than any of the factors above, this prospect type will have more to do with your career success than
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There is an amazing number of people in the world who imagine that the law of selling (and business in general) is that one must make a profit by getting an advantage over other people. As a matter of fact, the very opposite is the case. Read More
Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson from 37signals and co-author of Rework on entrepreneurship, marketing and more. The business world is changing and David has some innovative ideas on how to capitalize on it. Read More
As you have more than likely already learned, the more posts you write, the better you’ll be able to understand what type of headlines and content are catching people’s attention and you’ll begin to discover your “voice”. Promoting your blog to these platforms is a bit different from the basic SEO strategy implemented within your site, so I’ll review some of the specifics to help you develop yo Read More
(This article originally appeared in Feb. 2010 Business Builder newsletter. I’m posting it here because I seem to be having related conversations with business owners with greater frequency.) Sometimes the biggest challenge in correcting your marketing problems is defining exactly... Read More
Providing quality technical publications with your equipments increases customer service and reduces the amount of time after sales supporting the equipment Read More
There is a movement underfoot to make April 16th FourSquare day...why you may ask...well for the non-nerds among you 4/16 is four and four squared. Read More
If you have to develop Wordpress themes on a regular basis then I have no doubt that you too have experienced the tedium that goes with re-writing the same code over and over again. It doesn't matter how excited you are about a new project or even how much you love web design, having to repeatedly d... Read More

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