If you stop to think about it, having a blog is kind of like being married.  If you're not married (disclosure: I'm not), you can ask your married friends or just read this great article :-) Read More
Nowfly proves that online PR doesn't have to be boring. Are your press releases telling stories or are they putting people to sleep? Read More
We like to think of ourselves as in charge of our own destinies.  The American Dream is all about being able to achieve what you are capable of -- regardless Read More
I personally get frustrated when I end up at website that promises to help me shop for and compare service providers but then just collects my information and sells it. So-called Lead-Gen websites are usually a total waste of time and a violation of my privacy.

Here's a funny video of one of my coworkers trying to use a leadgen website to find a credit card processor. Not the best experience. Read More
While social media is widely accepted as an ideal method to drive traffic to your website, RSS feeds are often under-utilised or forgotten. After discussing how I was using my own RSS feed with my web designer, I realised I was missing a great opportunity to promote my content. Read this post to find out how an RSS feed can improve your content marketing activities. Read More
Great overview of Small Biz Apps. Mashable always delivers great content and this piece is no exception. Read More
A transparent look at why banner ads don't work and why content sponsorships and advertising are becoming more and more effective. An inside look of how The Rise To The Top does sponsorships. Read More
6 free Click Millionaires Scholarships – Only for Detroiters
($174 value).

If you live in Detroit and would like a free 6 month “scholarship” to join Click Millionaires, just leave a Comment on this blog post at ScottFox.com.

Please tell us why you’d like to join Click Millionaires and share some links or other evidence that you really are from Detroit. We’ll be picking 6 “scholarship w Read More
The cost of employees can be one of the biggest numbers in a small business budget. Consequently, decisions about what to pay employees can cause a small business owner much consternation. The objective is to pay them enough to keep them but not so much that the business can’t make a profit. In this article, I will not attempt to address employee rights or the very thorny issue of whether or not Read More

Getting a great write up in a publication your prospects and customers read is still one of the most powerful marketing opportunities going. From a trust standpoint few things beat the mention of your firm by what is seen as an unbiased 3rd party. In fact, and I can hear the PR folks cheering now, a well placed article just might be worth 5-10 times more than an ad in the same publication. Read More

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