Over the past several years, our online wedding linens store website has undergone 3 major revisions. Here are a few things that I've learned. Read More
Writing a great press release quote doesn’t have to be painful, though. In fact, I think it’s one of the most important elements of the press release. It’s also a big reason why we spend time going over the important elements of a press release in the all-important PR Toolkit for small business. Read More
A post I wrote Friday about struggling with increasing my network got an incredible response! I received a ton of great comments on this blog and in the LinkedIn discussions where I posted a link . One comment in particular was so compelling that I asked the author if I could re-post it here for everyone to read... Read More
A great tip on handing out a PowerPoint presentation - how to get your point across even better. How to add relevant information without wasting valuable slide real estate. Read More
During the last month 87% the quarter of a million keywords used to find RevaHealth.com were unique. The good thing about this is that it means our long tail SEO is working well. The bad news is that it makes it harder to get an overall picture Read More
One of the biggest sources of confusion small business owners face when deciding on a marketing strategy is navigating through all the outreach opportunities available and choosing the one that is right for them and their particular business. Especially now with the onslaught of social media and the bonanza of opportunities which it brings Read More
Honesty and integrity are defining characteristics of successful salespeople. The fact that they are table stakes doesn’t mean that aren’t part of the client’s evaluation and selection process. Read More
For sales success to mean anything, we have to be given the opportunity to fail. The more we have the opportunity to fail, the more lucrative winning at sales can be. Celebrate sales failure. Embrace it. Commit to failing, because you can only succeed in a sales career if you also have the ability to fail. Read More
In sales trust is a must. While it may take hard work, the pay off is as rewarding as the punishment when it is lost. Read More
The net has spawned two new ways to create and consume culture. The first is the wide-open door for amateurs to create. This is blogging and online art, wikipedia and the maker movement. These guys get a lot of press,... Read More

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