Most of not so advanced entrepreneurs think that they could be project managers and entrepreneurs in the same time... Read More
Lots of business owners and CEOs alike got caught on the hop by this recession. Failure to anticipate the downturn led to businesses revenue and profits suffering. This of course meant that staff, customers and shareholders suffered too. Needless to say, there is every likelihood that those same business owners and CEOs will again be caught on the hop by the upturn when it comes. Read More
Many people ask the question, "Why do I need a business plan?" They may ask this because they are far more interested in what they want to sell or provide than they are with those "analytical details". Read More
Is the prime objective of your business the achievement of a specific minimum level of profit each year? If not, and you are a pre-Baby Boomer business owner and you want to avoid future unpleasant financial surprises, especially when the time comes to retire from your business, then this article is written specifically for you. Business owning Baby Boomers without superannuation might also benef Read More
To be honest, it’s not easy to make money on Twitter; given that it’s an information water-cooler of the world rather than a platform where content is produced. But that didn’t stop Dell from making $3 million off Twitter. So Twitter just isn’t about buzz. Read More
Can we really separate our personal life from our personal brand? When every person is a channel and broadcasting something to the world is as easy as sending a tweet, everything we say or do is pretty much out in the open. Read More
Direct mail can be a very cost-effective way for small businesses to reach new customers and to build stronger relationships with existing clients. It can be used to drum up new business and strengthen existing relationships. and Royal Mail have this list of points to consider when thinking about direct mail. Read More
One of the most effective copy cosmetic techniques to grab your readers attention, online or offline, is by using simulated handwritten notes and doodles. In this day and age of computer-generated everything, the power of handwriting stands out. Read More
One of the biggest challenges for small businesses who want to market using social media is capacity. crowdSPRING is a small business – there are only 10 people on our team – so we understand this challenge well. Read More
Risk Management for Texas Businesses. This is a concise article describing employee rights, written to assist Texas employers. Contains link for valuable information from the Texas Workforce Commission. Read More

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