Scott Fox interviews Giancarlo Massaro, the 20 year old founder of, a clever daily contest web site.

Listen to learn about's innovative business model and how Giancarlo makes money simply by giving away prizes daily.

The combination of low overhead production expenses, sponsored contests, and consistent publicity via social media marketing channels like Face Read More
Do I really believe that you can make money online? Yes, I do.

Do I think that the FTC is babying you when suggesting that everything be labeled "these results not typical"? Yes, I do.

Do I have some insight and excitement to share with you that can help you succeed online? Yes, I do!

Check out this quick video clip from the latest episode of the Scott Fo Read More
What makes sales so difficult for some people and so much easier for others? Why do some companies thrive and others fail to catch on, even when they have a great concept? What is the secret to success in sales? Obviously, there are many answers to these questions, but I have discovered one that makes sales easier for almost everyone. Read More
Remember Tweetbrand that wowed us with the tweet-branding feature awhile ago? Now with MarketMe Tweet, it's a whole new level of social media marketing, branding and twitter management experience. Read More
Selling today is not only difficult, it’s downright scary! You must fight off your usual cast of competitors and still protect yourself against the dreaded “no decision.” Knowing how to appeal to the “Bully with the Juice” is a mandatory sales-skill in today’s post-bubble economy. Read More
Start-Up companies do not need theoretical or impractical advice. They need tips and suggestions that they can easily and swiftly implement to improve their business. Here are some tips about which I am often asked! Read More
The internet is a highly competitive place. Many websites get lost in the search engines and show little value to their business. Savvy companies realize the importance of SEO. Keyword research is one of the first and most important places to start when website optimization begins. Read More
As many of us know we are constantly being bombarded with advice on how to improve, enhance, increase, upgrade etc.our social media followings, but very few people are detailing the best ways to implode a social media following. And when I see a void I fill it! It's just my nature. Read More
Have you noticed that the political pundits have been using the term “Buyers Remorse” in relation to how Wall Street Democrats feel about putting Obama in the White House? I’m not sure that it’s a good idea to mix references to regrets in purchasing with voting — but that’s another story. Read More
The term managed service provider is different thant he term managed solution provider and the difference is in the value and perception of providing services versus solutions Read More

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