Having a sales process is important, but in sales you need to go beyond it. With a solid process, you can use your creativity, skills and execution to drive success. Read More
The NYTimes reports some findings from detailed research on the most shared articles from their site. It includes some really interesting findings on the type of content most likely to be shared and might be useful informing social media strategy. Read More
Twitter is growing at almost 1,900%! So use it to enhance your business perspective. The twitter rules that businesses must know. Read More
This year’s Expo was a sellout! I was happy to attend both days again for the 14th time. I took advantage of the special 2 hour window for the trade to roam the aisles searching for new wines and tasting some of the old familiar ones. People do not realize that this is the largest wine tasting in the U.S. Read More
The general consensus for most businesses is to go online to spread their name; what we call buzz. The buzz around brands on the news, tweets, blogs and other social media platforms that spreads through product launches and PR campaigns, are as valuable as traditional ad campaigns. However, buzz isn’t technically easy to quantify. Read More
How an argument over Twitter showed me a thing or two about ethics. In particular, whether it's more important to write interesting material that attracts readers - or to give them the very best advice. Read More
I have been a Facebook enthusiast for about 2 years now and was really happy with my growing legion of friends. I was well on my way to having over 4000 friends Read More
Storytelling is the ability to create a compelling vision of the future. Great salespeople include in their stories the challenges and the obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to create that future. They write the future positive outcomes with their clients as both characters and as coauthors. Read More
Looking at the benefits of purely text-based chat, like IRC, as well as the effects of enforced limits by Twitter and SMS. Read More
Marketing and PR budgets are usually the first to go when the economy turns sour, yet statistics show that those who cut budgets will suffer lower returns not only during the time they quit marketing, but will also have difficulty raising their net income in the years following the recession. There are several reasons why it's important to not cut your marketing budget. Read More

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